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shenophyllum cuneifolium Sternberg from Liévin basin
Автор bruno62
9 января 2013 года || Подробнее >>>
The spanish basin from Asturia shows carboniferous plants from upper carboniferous , you can find seed-fern (neuropteris ) ,pecopteris and Sub sigillaria family (sigillaria without rib ),asolanus ....
Автор bruno62
7 июля 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
The beginning of this month, I went to the mine field trip "emma" Puertollano in Spain, this coal mine gives plants: Omphalophloios which are kept in a level of volcanic ash called : cinerites...
Автор bruno62
6 мая 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
Gasteropods , Carboniferous from USA ,Pennsylvanian Period from Kentucky and Texas
Автор bruno62
11 марта 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
Some fauna ,from upper Devonian (Frasnian ) from France brachiopods : Athyris concentrica ,Spirifers ,corals Hexagonaria davidsoni from Ferques in northern France ...
Автор bruno62
8 марта 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
Bothrodendron minutifolium (Boulay ) from northern France ,Liévin basin.
Автор bruno62
4 марта 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
Asolanus camptotaeniae (Wood),initially this lepidophytes tree was affiliated with Sigillaria's family , but recent work of Professor Stefan Schultka of the Berlin Institute has shown that this plant was closer Pinakodendron, it bears sporangia directly attached to the stem in the axils of leaves .....
Автор bruno62
4 марта 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
The cordaites tree ,Cordaites leaf , Cordaicladus (Cordaites
branch) ,Cordaianthus ,Samaropsis and Cardiocarpus (seeds) ,artisia (inner mold ),Carboniferous from northern France , Liévin basin ....
Автор bruno62
1 марта 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
Pecopteris ferns ,fertil foliage (asterotheca ), the trunk : morphogenus psaronius , hagiophyton ,megaphyton from Carboniferous from northern France ,Liévin basin ,Bolsovian.
Автор bruno62
26 февраля 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
The remains of the carboniferous forest from northern France ,past few years, I save the trunks that are pledged to the destruction, stones and shales are sometimes crushed, for large specimen I have to use the wheelbarrow ...
Автор bruno62
26 февраля 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
Collection of fossil plants in the field, slag heaps and mining landscapes in my area
Автор bruno62
26 февраля 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
Mariopteris fern from Liévin bassin ,Carboniferous from northern France , this genus is characterized by quadripart fern ,This fern is probably a vine, which parasite probably other plants in its environment, recent publications have highlighted the hooks allowing the fern to hang on other plant.....
Автор bruno62
24 февраля 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
the main genus of Calamites from Basin North of France ,Carboniferous ,the compression of the stem ,inner mold , the external bark ,Pinnularia ( roots ),Macrostachya (strobus ),Annularia (leaves )....
Автор bruno62
20 февраля 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
Some Fauna ,few Xiphosureans one of which is a new genus discovered by myself in 1992 and named by Professor Racheboeuf ,holotype: Valloisella lievinensis, then a Euproops, enigmatic traces, and finally some footprints (hexapods) left by an animal of Onycophoran group (or peripates )
Автор bruno62
18 февраля 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
For example reconstitution of Neuropteris tenuifolia fern , tronc ,rachis ,leaf ,cyclopteris leaf , spiropteris ( juvenil crosier )Carboniferous from northern France , Liévin bassin.Bolsovian.
Автор bruno62
15 февраля 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
"This afternoon I started to daydream, I imagined a marshy plain or a large delta. A tropical storm devastated the Carboniferous Lepidodendron forest , extending to the ground some giant trees...Thus space and access to light have been released...Then came a period of quiet to lull conducive to the resumption of a new generation of lepidophytes, I present a drawing of my composition and I summarized ... >>>
Автор bruno62
12 февраля 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
let my show my carboniferous collection plants ,look at my windows.....
Автор bruno62
11 февраля 2012 года || Подробнее >>>
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