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Автор: bruno62

Фотогалерея: "pecopteris"

Carboniferous, Bolsovian, France, plants from Liévin aera, Ptychopteris

Ptychpteris ,Here is a reconstruction of Psaronius, with its sleeve of adventitious roots, the area covered roots are known as morphogenus : Tubicaulites, the trunks as they are completed are described under the name : Caulopteris which phyllotaxy is spiral. The inner mold is know as morphogenus
Ptychopteris ...Carboniferous from norhern France ,Liévin bassin....

Фотография создана 29 февраля 2012 года

Ключевые слова (тэги): Carboniferous, Bolsovian, France, plants from Liévin aera, Ptychopteris

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<a href="http://ammonit.ru./foto/20446.htm#63404">http://ammonit.ru./foto/20446.htm#63404</a>

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Hi Bruno! The fact that the picture on the right above ( Ptychjpteris ) it to paparotnikam irrelevant. This barrel gymnosperms. This type of фото,фото,фото

комментарий 1 уровня

Комментарий создан 29 февраля 2012 года в 12:25:57

<a href="http://ammonit.ru./foto/20446.htm#63430">http://ammonit.ru./foto/20446.htm#63430</a>

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Hi Carbon1967 ,the right specimen seems to be Ptychopteris...
Here are the texte in Crookall's book : "After the removal of the cortex and rootlet zone ,the cast of the vascular axis ,know Ptychopteris ,is strongly striated longitudinally by the impressions of the descending aerial roots.Vascular scars show more or less indistincly according the state of preservation.Decorticated axes with structure preserved are including under the name Psaronius Cotta ."
best regards....Bruno

комментарий 2 уровня

Комментарий создан 29 февраля 2012 года в 14:54:58

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